Raging Bull was directed by Martin Scorsese in 1980.The story line was adapted by a Italian boxing champion,Jake LaMotta. Robert Anthony De Niro was the main character .He own the Academy Award for Best Actor and this film own the Academy Award for Best Film Editing in the
53 rd Oscar also.
After the judge announced he won,the camera shot to the audience who were cheer.Then the frame turned to the home,the change could bring out the venue and the home to make a compare that lively and quite.The camera
The camera was followed him to walk to the stage .In the way,e he ignored all the people who were acclaimed that the shots were only focus on him that like Jake who just wanted to focus on his competition also.In the meanwhile,the camera walked with him in the back,it can make the audience became one of the spectators.It could have more sense of participation in the movie.The camera movement can invite viewers to be more involved in the character’s psychological and physical sensations.



Before started the race,two boxing champion fisted bump with each other that the photographers used the Bird’s eyes to take.It can show this very cleanly and gave a single to the audience the competition were started.In the race,it was used the Worm’s eyes since it could be clean about Jake’s impression.After that ,it used the slow motion when the judge want to declare he was winner that wanted to make it very nervous.At the end,when it used the worm’s eyes to film he won .That mean he was happy.



I watched a film recently , called Metropolis .The premiere of this film on October 1 , 1927 in Berlin , Germany.It was the most expensive silent film , the production cost reached up to five million Deutsche Mark.The director was Friedrich Christian Anton Lang.He produced a series of silent film.

The story is about a futuristic city humanity sharply divided into two different class,rich and poor.Those of the people were living in completely different world.Rich just live in splendorous and majestic edifice.Conversely the impoverished just need to stay in gloom basement with lots of machineries,did not have any freedom and choice for them.

Filming took place in 20 years on account of in the beginning of the film the elevator were still manually operated .As early as the era of machines.Most of the scenario was filming in the factory because of the theme of the film.The social ran the Communist.So it had a part of film were criticized , as well as its alleged Communist message.Most of the labour were controlled by the superintendent.In their face,you can know that they were not willing to do the work but they bound to do it. So they did not have any expression.The workers had exhausting life.


The second part of the film started with agile music.Compared with first,it feel more relaxed and cheerful.Not only the costume were more plentiful but also the expression were more rejoice and with a smile.The movie by using different mise en scene for instance costume,background music and expression to show how the gap of social class.



Metropolis 1927 Film(English Version):