Source Analysis

Coco-Cola”Brother love”

The band isCoca-cola.From the advertisement,it is show the relationship between brother.

The older brother bully and tease with his brother.For instance,younger brother’s headphone put in the top of the cupboard and he cannot take it.When the older brother walk pass and saw he can’t take.He not only do not help him but also put it in another cupboard which is higher.One day younger brother sit in the park and he drinks coca-cola.But some of the evil-doer rush his coca-cola.At that moment,his brother help him to take back and gave him.At last,when he drunk,his brother hit the bottle and smile to him.Even the older brother did lots of bad for his brother,when some people tease his brother he will protect him.This is brother love.

Younger brother and older brother are two main characters.But there are three boys to act the evil-doer.

There are four places in the advertisement are home,restaurant,rod and park.The context from first to third location are talking about the older brother tease his young brother.The fourth location is about the brother help his brother.

The music call Hey Brother sing by Avicii.It is soft and important because music can articulate with the content that can make the viewers more emotionally involved.This song is very suitable with the advertise since those talk about the brother love also.

The costume of them wear very casual such T-shirt,jeans and cap.This just are very simple style that boy wearing.They wear this style are normal since most of the boy on that age.Also,it is reflecting the real brother relationship in nowadays.

Photography use the long shot in the advertisement.But they choose to use close-up of some scene such as headphone,shoes and the bottle of coca-cola.

The message of the advertise is about the love.They want to say coca-cola can maintain and show the love  to everyone


Project Proposal

  • Group Members

            Kwan Po,Abelle,Natalie,Mishari

  • Original Source Material

         Coca-Cola”Brother Love”

  • The Product/Brand

Coca-Cola and Mac Book

  • Message

            Nowadays,many people leave their home country to work or study.When they have some reverses and disagreeable,they miss their family and friends very much.The main concept of our advertisement is using coca-cola to maintain relationship and it can make us become rejoiced.

  • Character

Sisters(Natalie and Abelle),Bad guys(Mishear and me)

  • Setting

One Flat(Mishear’s Flat),Accommodation(Abelle’s studio flat),Train Station,Stone inscription of the university.

  • Narrative

The advertising is about oversea relationship (sisters).The younger sister is studying in Brighton.She is a  very shy and her english is not good.Also some of her classmate bullied.She feels upset every day .One day after school,she sees a coca-cola next to mac book.When she open the laptop,there are a message from her sister.Then they FaceTime with each other and she tells everything happened in school.Moreover,she cried.At that time,her sister points to the coca-cola and they open it at the sane time.She forgets everything are bad and remain the happy moment.At last she has a smile on her face.

  • Target Market

Adolescents,Adults and Elder except for children.