
Week 10(27-11-2017)

Voice-over is explaining what are the audience seeing and watching in the videos. The voice-over appear in the beginning of the film is to introduce when, where, background and environment of the story. This is used in drama, soap opera, film and other presentation.Also, they can use the first person or third person to appear. If the voice-over appear in DIY videos, news report, documentary and discovery channel, is to explain some information or details to the audience and fill the gap of knowledge. Because of those videos and film most of the shots are the images and scenes only. Voiceover explained, while videos and film are playing. That make the audience not only can concentrate on the screen, they can understand the meaning also. The style of the voice-over are important. It means the tone of voiceover should match the theme of the videos and films. Also, the emotional and the formal and informal. Voiceover do not be over dramatic and theatrical. The other is the speed, the BBC standard is less than 140 words per minute. If the voiceover speak too fast can be affect the emotion of the audience and it is not clear.

In the lesson, we tried to record i the radio room by ourselves. At first, we opened and all settle down but we cannot record. We need to check all the equipment is it work, we can have a test before the recorded. Also, make sure the new file is it the method that we used before. For example Sample Rate is 48hz, Channels is Mono and Bit is 16 . If there are any missing or wrong method, the quality will be affected. We went to other room to try it and we recorded two vision, one is girl and the other is boy. After we finished the record, we need to edit the video, music and the sound together by using the Premiere.IMG_6446

Editing: The End Game

Week 9(20-11-2017)

In this week, we finished the transcript and cut the videos. At first, we finished the transcript for each people and than we paint them out for the paper editing. We highlight which parts and sentences are suitable and useful for us. After that, we cut the videos in a part.In the lesson, tutor showed us a video. He wanted us to focused on the sound.Thus, we closed our eyes and listen the sound only. After this process, I learned that if we want to filled the gap with the music, is not a good effect. We need to use some of the background and music. Suddenly play the music after the interviewer is very odd. But still play the background sound can make the transition more fluent.

We need to be an audience to ask ourself some of the questions.Th e most important of a video is that do audience think and understand the theme of the video. The other is what are the major problem of the film. Since we cannot see any problem in the process but we stand in the view of the audience can know more of the disadvantages.

Editing:The Process of Refinement

Week 8(13-11-2017)

This week we have a group meeting with the tutor and we need to hand in some of the video or the things that we done before. But we have some mistake about our work. We do not film any video since all the shops we ask to interview, they do not have time for us to interview and their employee do not accept. So we have an interview before the class, but a group mate that forgot and sleepover. That, our interview time are pasted. In the group meeting, some of the group mates not satisfied other group mate. Tutor suggested we need to speak to each other honestly. Personally, I agree some of the group mate participate more than other. But I don’t think I do nothings for the group. I suggest some of the suggestions but they all rejected. Honestly, I don’t think my suggestions are bad. In this week, we finished the filming part in two days. This time we have more communicate with each other. It is better than before. So that, it is more successful. I found some of the music in some platform which is free to download and legal. I chose some of the music which I though were suitable for our video. And I sent to them and ask them for the suggestions.

Postproduction Begins

Week 7(06-11-2017)

In this week, we learned how to use the editing software, Premiere. Before editing, we need to put all our things like videos, music or photos into our media file on our computer. This is a very important process. We need to set up a catch film and this is safeguarding the film. When we just put our documents in the desktop, it is a very danger. Since the the computer cannot open and all our document inside that mean all the things are loss and we cannot recover. First step after open Premiere, we need to change the location become our media file, and make sure that the capture format is HDV. When we want to put some of the photos inside the video but their size do not match, we need to change the size. Also we can edit some effect on it. A documentary are made by different videos. When the lighting are different of two videos, it need to change. I think this is the difficult part for me. In additional, the music add into the videos are the problem. We need to change the volume.For example, the volume of music turn down when the interviewer start.


Taking note can be more easily for us to edit. Write down which part need to put in the video, when we are editing we do not need to stop and play again and again. Also, if we just edit without note, it can be more easily to miss some of the important parts and moment.


Projects:Critical Writing

Week 6(30-10-2017)

We had a group presentation for our creative project. In the presentation, we talked about how we planed to film, what is our idea of the topic, how we arranged the documentary and some of the interview questions etc. Behind our project, we want to understand the psychological of the people, why they want to use these ‘old things’.

We have a meeting for the presentation and talked about the creative project. Also, we found some shop in the internet that we want to interview then. Then we contacted them by email and phone. In the process, we told them we are the student of Sussex, our topic of the project and finally we wanted to interview them.

Critical writing make the reader and people want to see and watch again the film after they read the writing. It is not only write about the narrative of the film and report what learn from the documentary. The writing should be clean, direct and formal. It can develop the argument.