Postproduction Begins

Week 7(06-11-2017)

In this week, we learned how to use the editing software, Premiere. Before editing, we need to put all our things like videos, music or photos into our media file on our computer. This is a very important process. We need to set up a catch film and this is safeguarding the film. When we just put our documents in the desktop, it is a very danger. Since the the computer cannot open and all our document inside that mean all the things are loss and we cannot recover. First step after open Premiere, we need to change the location become our media file, and make sure that the capture format is HDV. When we want to put some of the photos inside the video but their size do not match, we need to change the size. Also we can edit some effect on it. A documentary are made by different videos. When the lighting are different of two videos, it need to change. I think this is the difficult part for me. In additional, the music add into the videos are the problem. We need to change the volume.For example, the volume of music turn down when the interviewer start.


Taking note can be more easily for us to edit. Write down which part need to put in the video, when we are editing we do not need to stop and play again and again. Also, if we just edit without note, it can be more easily to miss some of the important parts and moment.


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