Week 10 ( 27-04-2018)

Web 2.0 not all rosy?

Web 2.0 means that this platform are using the World Wide Wed. Facebook, Youtube, WordPress etc are the examples of Web 2.0. They provide a platform for people to share and upload their creative works such as videos, songs, photos, writings. Also these example have a common point that are free, easy to use and popular. The characters of the Web 2.0 is to encouragement the user to share more information through the Web 2.0, that make the the recourses and information are available for people to share more enrich. Web 2.0 make people have more connection. Most of the people recognize the account in different social media, like, Facebook, twitter, as a result, people can find the like- minded friends. They can communicate through different platform and the connection make people more close even they are not come from the same countries.

in addition, the writer think that Web 2.0 is a tool for business. All the viewer and people who watch some videos in YouTube or read some pos ti Facebook, that make them become a labour of the business. Since, when people watch and read the posts, some people have already pay the fee for them to promote or sell somethings, as a result, viewers and the audience become their tools to earn and gain money and profit respectively. For example, there are some advertising before the videos in YouTube, some of the advertisings cannot pass, as a result, audience must wait until the advertising finished. People also controlled by the Web. They think that all is about economic.

Week 9 (19- 04-2018)

Tools For Changes

Because of the web, that make our changes. People can put, send and upload everything on their own website and share withe others. That make more connection between people to people, even they are not come from the same countries. As the writer said, ‘the best tools are not merely “useful” or “convenient” additions to everyday life’. As the writer said, Web is the people, it helps us to expire our works to others in different countries. It play a role as public relation.  Although the Web are making people have improvement, there are some debate about the qualities. Some people believe that, use the industrial tool are more real and having a good qualities than the convivial. Actually, nowadays most of the thing are related to the interactive, such as videos games and online applications. They are all around it.

Week 8 (12-04-2018)

The value of CONNECTION II: Social Capital and Communities

In last week, we talked about what is personal happiness. In this week, writer expand that happy is  similar with ‘social capital’. Since both of them are about relationship. Bourdieu believes that so-called social capital refers to the overall social relations owned by individuals or groups; the acquisition of social capital depends on the establishment and maintenance of relationships, that is, engaging in social networking activities, like inviting each other, maintaining common hobbies, etc.In the literature in social capita is a resource embedded in social relation. Also, it can assist members of the social network in completing some action. As I mention last week, people feel sad and unhappy since they do not have any social network, as a result, they cannot find their personal happiness. As writer think that all the happy is around the relationship.

Putnam think that social capital are declining. There are four seasons: generational change, television, suburbanization, commuting and sprawl and everyday pressures. First of all, generation change is the main and bigger factor to affect the change of social capital. Because of the time keep going and people are different generation and they have less subject of their conversation and talk, so that, the gap of their relationship become wide. Secondly, people spend their time in watching television. People are concentrating in their TV and lacking of communication and connect. Thirdly, Putnam believe that more and more people choose suburb become their place, rather than living and working. So they do not leave  and there are less people and do not have lots of chance to communicate with other. The last one are the pressure. Most of the time spent in working everyday, so that they think a kinds of pressure, and there feel tried and do not want to talk to other and they just want the time with themselves.


Week 8 (12-04-2018)

I decided my topic of my poster—Kill.  I found some of the information about this and I decided to use post modernism design. As a result, I found some of the information about it and I will designed around this.

Week 9(19-04-2018)

I finished my poster and I stared to design four different sticker of my event. Also, some of the information are found in the website that to help me to write my introduction.

Week 10 ( 27-04-2018)

I almost finished my works but my works are litter bit far away with my poster, as a result, my tutor help mr to improve and get it better.