Week 8 (12-04-2018)

The value of CONNECTION II: Social Capital and Communities

In last week, we talked about what is personal happiness. In this week, writer expand that happy is  similar with ‘social capital’. Since both of them are about relationship. Bourdieu believes that so-called social capital refers to the overall social relations owned by individuals or groups; the acquisition of social capital depends on the establishment and maintenance of relationships, that is, engaging in social networking activities, like inviting each other, maintaining common hobbies, etc.In the literature in social capita is a resource embedded in social relation. Also, it can assist members of the social network in completing some action. As I mention last week, people feel sad and unhappy since they do not have any social network, as a result, they cannot find their personal happiness. As writer think that all the happy is around the relationship.

Putnam think that social capital are declining. There are four seasons: generational change, television, suburbanization, commuting and sprawl and everyday pressures. First of all, generation change is the main and bigger factor to affect the change of social capital. Because of the time keep going and people are different generation and they have less subject of their conversation and talk, so that, the gap of their relationship become wide. Secondly, people spend their time in watching television. People are concentrating in their TV and lacking of communication and connect. Thirdly, Putnam believe that more and more people choose suburb become their place, rather than living and working. So they do not leave  and there are less people and do not have lots of chance to communicate with other. The last one are the pressure. Most of the time spent in working everyday, so that they think a kinds of pressure, and there feel tried and do not want to talk to other and they just want the time with themselves.

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